
How do I make a therapy appointment?

Simply telephone 404-585-7375 and ask to make an appointment. Dr Wilson will be pleased to assist you in scheduling an appointment. Please have your insurance card available when you call to schedule if you have Aetna or Humana Lifesynch insurance.

How long will my therapy appointment last?

Typical sessions will last between 45 and 50 minutes.

How do I know if I have insurance coverage for therapy?

Please call the phone number on your health plan insurance card to request information regarding outpatient behavioral health benefits. Please be sure to inquire about co-payments, deductibles and authorizations required.

What insurances do you take?

Currently Dr. Wilson is a mental health provider for Aetna and Humana (LifeSynch). This can change at any point. Please contact Dr. Wilson or your insurance carrier with questions regarding coverage.

How much does a therapy session cost?

Dr. Wilson's fee is $125.00 per session.


Are there any extraneous charges for other services?

Occasionally, it may be necessary for Dr Wilson to return phone calls, make court appearances and/or write letters on your behalf. Dr. Wilson is pleased to provide these services as they become necessary. There is a charge for each of these services.

What paperwork is required during the initial visit?

The age appropriate initial appointment paperwork is located on this web site which should be completed prior to your scheduled appointment. The forms requiring a signature must be signed and dated in the office.

  • Verifiable insurance information
  • Picture identification
  • Guardianship papers (if necessary)
  • Co-payment/Deductible
  • HIPPA Acknowledgement
  • Family/Medical/Psychological History
  • Names and contact information of other professionals you and your counselor determine may need to be contacted.


For clients under the age of 18, who needs to attend the initial counseling session?

Generally, Dr Wilson request to meet the parents for the first appointment to obtain history and current symptom information. If you are instructed that the child/adolescent will be seen during the initial visit, then a parent or guardian must accompany the client.

What is the age range of clients seen at Completely Psyched?

Typically from preteen through advanced years.


How long does therapy take?

Ideally, therapy is terminated when the problem that you pursued therapy for becomes more manageable or is resolved. However, some insurance companies and managed care plans may limit the number of sessions for which they pay. You should check with your health plan to find out more about potential limitations in your coverage. During the first few therapy sessions, you and Dr Wilson should discuss the estimated length of time needed to achieve your goals, in light of your particular needs.

Does Dr. Wilson provide confirmation of appointment calls?

Dr Wilson does not provide confirmation calls. Dr Wilson can provide confirmation text messages as a courtesy to clients reminding them of their upcoming appointment . Text messages may be directed to the phone number of your choosing. We ask that you continue to make every effort to keep up with scheduled appointments because there is a charge for not providing a 24 hour notice for cancellations. 

What if I miss an appointment?

Dr. Wilson is pleased to accommodate your schedule changes provided he are given a minimum of 24 hour notice for cancellations. Missed appointments and cancellations occurring less than 24 hours prior to your scheduled appointment will be charged at the full session rate and may not be billed to the insurance company.

How does the 24 hour notice to cancel an appointment work?

Dr. Wilson determines 24 hours by the time of your appointment. For example, if your appointment is at 8 AM on Wednesday, then your appointment needs to be cancelled by 8 AM on Tuesday. Monday appointments need to be cancelled by noon on Friday. To cancel an appointment scheduled on the day after a holiday, it needs to be cancelled on the day prior to the holiday.


Why does Dr. Wilson charge for late cancellations or missed appointments?

Dr. Wilson allocates the appointment time that you choose solely for you. Other clients may desperately want an appointment and could utilize the time slot in the event you are unable to keep the appointment. Unfortunately, they will be prohibited from doing so if you do not show for the appointment or it was not cancelled with sufficient notice.

Are cancellation fees ever waived?

The only reason a cancellation fee would be waived is in the event of a dire emergency or illness that requires hospital treatment.

What if I have a emergency and I am not a current client of Dr. Wilson?

If you are experiencing a mental or medical health emergency, if you feel suicidal, or if you feel like you want to hurt yourself or someone else, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room immediately!

What if I have an after hour emergency and I am a current client of Dr. Wilson?

For active clients of Dr. Wilson , Dr. Wilson does not we provide an after hour on-call service for life threatening emergencies. If you are experiencing a mental or medical health emergency, if you feel suicidal, or if you feel like you want to hurt yourself or someone else, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room immediately!


If you are having a non-life threatening emergence please call Dr. Wilson at 404.585.7375. If Dr Wilson is not immediately available please leave a voice message and he will call you back as soon as possible.

Is everything I say in a therapy session confidential?

In Georgia, as with most states, the licensure laws protect client confidentiality. As a client of Dr Wilson , you are guaranteed the protection of confidentiality within the boundaries of the client/counselor relationship. Any disclosure which may be required will only occur after the client or parent/guardian of the client signs a release of information which will include: the party the disclosure will be made to, the specific purpose for the release of information and the length of time for which the release will be valid.

The only limitations to confidentiality occur when a counselor feels that there is clear and imminent danger to you or to others, or when legal requirements demand that confidential information be disclosed such as a court case. Whenever possible, you will be informed before the confidential information is released.

Is it possible for Dr. Wilson to talk with other professionals about my situation?

Yes, as long as appropriate releases of information are signed and current contact information for the professional is provided to Dr Wilson by the client. Sometimes, coordinating schedules with other professionals may be difficult but every effort to establish contact will be made at your request.

What do I do if I have questions which were not addressed on this web site?

Please feel free to contact the Dr Wilson and he will be pleased to assist you further.


Disclaimer: The information contained in this web site is presented for informational purposes only. The material is in no way intended to replace professional mental health care or the services provided by a qualified mental health professional. Communication with CompletelyPsyched.com does not indicate a therapeutic relationship. You should not use CompletelyPsyched.com as a basis for any self diagnosis or treatment choice. If you have any questions that go beyond the scope of CompletelyPsyched.com you are encouraged to seek assistance from a qualified mental health professional.